
Showing posts from October, 2022

Lab Exercise 2: Attaching AWS EBS VOLUME TO AMAZON EC2

       Create an EBS volume for the existing EC2 Machine in the same region. Requirement: EC2 Machine on a particular region.           Previously on the lab exercise, I already created an AWS account and launched an EC2 machine. Now I am going to create an EBS volume and connect it to my EC2 machine.  This is done to get extra storage for our instances.          To make those EBS volumes usable in the instances, we need to mount it to a specific folder. Now let's see how to do that. Create an EBS Volume: Step - 1: Open AWS web console and go to the EC2 dashboard. Then select Volume option under Elastic Block Store option. Step - 2: By selecting 'Create Volume', create a new EBS volume. Step - 3: Input the details like Volume type, Size, Availability Zone as per your needs. Ensure that the availability zone is same as our EC2 instance's region. Then Create Volume. Step - 4: Once our Volume is created(it...

Storage Virtualization - Class Activity

     In storage virtualization, multiple physical disks are combined into a group and from that group of physical disks, virtual storage or logical storage blocks are assigned to a server for use.       This virtual storage will look like physical storage to a server or host, which means server cannot differentiate between physical storage and virtual storage.      Examples: LUN’s (Logical unit number), Logical volume (LV), RAID groups, etc. STORAGE VIRTUALIZATION IN VIRTUALBOX: Step-1: Open VirtualBox. Step-2: Open the settings of any Virtual Machine that you already created with which you are going to demonstrate Storage Virtualization. Step -3: Then select Shared Folders. Step - 4: Click the icon with plus on the right to add a shared folder. Step - 5: Give the folder path and folder name then mount point detail. Then Select Ok. That will create a shared folder between the host machine and the virtual machine to achieve Storage Virtua...

EXP 1 A : Creating a EC2 instance accessible via remote client in AWS

Requirements: EC2-parameters, IP address Puutygen, putty(windows), SSH client-Ubuntu PEM/PPK file EC2 Username&Key Aim:     To create a EC2 instance accessible via remote client in AWS. Procedure:     First to connect to an Instance, you need PuTTY which is a free SSH client that allows you to do that from our local computer running Windows. Download and Install PuTTY from their official page. The open putty.exe from the installation folder. This will open the PuTTY Configuration Window.  In that Hostname field type your Hostname or the Public DNS address from the EC2 Management Console. Then set the Port to 22 and connection type to SSH. Then Select SSH on the left-side and choose the 'Auth' option under it. Click Browse to locate the .ppk file which we downloaded when we created our key pair and then select it. Click Open to connect to your Instance. If this is the first time to connect to your instance, PuTTY Security Alert will ask whether to proceed or ...

LAB AWS EX1 : Create EC2 Instance in AWS

  Requirements: AWS Account ISO image Putty(Linux) / Remote desktop sever connection(windows) Putty Gen Aim:     To create an EC2 instance using AWS. Procedure: First Step is to create account in AWS. Then the next step is to create a Key-Pair. Click on the EC2 console and it will open the EC2 Dashboard. Choose Key Pairs and in the next tab select the 'Create Key Pair' option at the top. Once you have filled the key pair name and chose the other options click 'Create Key Pair'. And then your key pair will be created and a .ppk file (the file format you chose before) with the private key will be downloaded automatically. Then the next step is to create a Security Group. Let's add HTTP, HTTPS, SSH rules in Inbound rules and let the outbound rules as default. Now create security group. Now the pre-requisite setup is completed. Let's launch an instance now. Click on 'Launch Instance' on EC2 Dashboard. Now give a name to the server.  Then select a Amazon Mach...